Friday, 30 December 2016

Green Jade Fortune Toad ( Feng Shui World )

Feng shui three legs frog is the 2nd ranking in feng shui and probably the luckiest symbol of money making. This feng shui creature has three legs, sitting on a bed of coins and ingots, holding a coins in it’s mouth.

Three legs frog attracts gold and money into your home, it must be place below Gods level. Facing in the house not facing outside the house. In that way it shall bring in wealth "Qi" energy coming in.

Putting a cup of water infront of the Three Leg frog was say to double it power as water is money in feng shui study.

Whenever you want to start your business or before open shop or those who are doing sales job that earn commission stroke the Three Leg Frog from below slowly to the top of the head 3x

In feng Shui keeping nine frogs in your house will attract more money.

Please message or whatssap me if you interested: 81666052


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