The 9 types of woods in this sliver ring are contain of :
☆ Akas Solo Bateh - Protection against burn
☆Kayu Ulamas - Also know as Galih Kelor in indonesia, it is suppose to attract business and wealth, in indonesia it is use to ward of black magic and dark entities. it has strips like tiger.
☆Songseng Arus - It is a kind of water plant or coral, that grows in the opposite direction to the water flow, good for business even when times are bad and also will have a winning edge over competitors
☆Kayu Tas - Protect against wild animal or getting lost in jungle
☆Bertam - It is use for health benefits, it will change color depending on wether you body is "warm" or "cool"
☆Sendudoh Puteh - good for relationships and also improve charisma, good for people in sales
☆Teras kelo - The most expensive wood of all, it is the bigger black bead in the picture, strung with petrified or fossilised wood, it is use for protection from physical harm, evil or dark entities and also protect against black magic.
☆Nebong - Protection against impact accident
☆Raja Kayu - King of wood protection against black magic, wild animals and dark enitites.
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