Watch this video to withness this Thunder/Lightning Stone able to be pull by Magnet !!!
Thunder Stones
The term thunderbolt refers not only to dramatically, powerful energy, but also to the mysterious, heavy and dense irregular objects that were occasionally found on the ground. Even in olden times they were not regarded as ordinary stones, but rather objects from the heavens that could have possibly originated in the realm of the gods. Today, we know them as meteorites.
Before metal was extracted by the use of intense heat, iron and other metals could occasionally be found in a usable form in conjunction with or embedded in, these thunderbolts. Anyone who possessed or knew where to find iron, nickel or even copper, was at a great advantage. They derived earthly power from the gift of the powers of heaven.
This is a unique and powerful protective talisman. Lightning stones are rare.In ancient days this stone was used to make kerises that was known to have supernatural powers. Legend has it that is makes its user invulnerable to sharp weapons. It is said that this stone occurs when a very strong unearthly lightning hits the ground the ground turns into this lightning stone.
Mythology states that the lightning stone is created when a demon is struck by lightning and turns into stone. It has has the following effect:
☆Scares away demons/evil spirits
☆Increases confidence in its wearer.
☆Protects from black magick & psychic attacks by people.
☆Protects from evil eye & jealousy of people.
☆Protects its wearer when enemies attack.
Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052
I have some of the stone how do i use it?