Sunday, 21 December 2014

Tarot Spiritual Reading Service

I'am also providing Tarot Spiritual Reading Service for people who need guidance!

I'am able to read for :
☆7 years cycle of future lay ahead
☆Many more Reading Layout..

$40 per Reading

Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Friday, 19 December 2014

( Sold Out! ) Anti Stale Coconut Pearl ( Legendary Exclusive )

This Coconut Pearl have passed anti stale tested 2 days , rice is not stale with this Coconut Pearl. This Coconut Pearl has also passed the scratch test in Singapore money note ink are able to come out and stick to the Coconut Pearl , when scratched on the surface of the paper money that is the characteristic originality of this Coconut Pearl, if those fake Coconut Artificial Pearl colour paper money will not stick to the Coconut Pearl . .  The Coconut Pearl has also pass the 3rd test by having a smell of coconut when in a cup of plain water. 4th test recently while having a dream and it say fire unable to burn a hair when attach the hair to the Coconut Pearl. As a result we have tested. Pass the 4th test.

Besides anti stale Coconut Pearl are also used for :
☆Selling Merchandise
☆King in restaurant food
☆Food flavoring
☆Firewall occult magick
☆Poison attacks 
☆Respectful seen by people 

This is a Private collection of mine is ready to be released to the Rightful owner to own this legendary one in a lifetime opportunity.

( Sold Out! )

Ring Size: 8

Ring Material: Sliver

Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Occult Comic ( Rare ! )


This is a very rare occult comic.

Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

 Elves Hair ( Bunian World ) ( Rare )

This collection will issue a child, depending on how you care . Not everyone can have them straight from the natural side . Only the lucky ones only. This meditation can grow with care. Originally from the small to the large amount of 2 fingers with her swirling like moss alive until he pulled out a small vortex that fit in it with instances of solitary child . One can be imprisoned mothers give birth @ issuing dozens of children . Perhaps hundreds of children. With 2 strands of sinew 3 ni recluse , it can be used as oil gracious and most powerful selling point . Can also be made firewall and selling in stores . There are various colors of gold , white, black and cindai . The best type of cindai because it combines gold and black . Normally sold only type of gold , white and black . Type cindai very difficult to obtain. 

Elves Hair properties are :
☆For improving business
☆Easily approachable spirits
☆And many others

Offering of milk and bread once a week is needed.


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out ) Elves Cloth ( Bunian World )

This Elves cloth which is from the Elves of the element of fire  believe was unable to destroy by fire if you burn it.

This Elves cloth gives:
☆Money will comes unexpectedly every direction
☆Increase the attractiveness of themselves to people
☆Facilitated the affair
☆Makes Business selling more easier
☆Blessing in terms of looking for sustenance
☆Loved by people around

( Sold out )



Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! )  Human Shape Mandrake ( European Occult Exclusive )

To know more about Mandrake watch this video link

Once shrouded in much mystery and lore, Mandrake, the most important magical plant of the Middle Ages, today has been all but forgotten. The preachers of the Age of Enlightenment have successfully dispelled all the myths and tales that have spun up around this plant through the Ages. Today it is not even used medicinally anymore. Yet back in the days of ancient Egypt it was well known and respected enough to get a mention in the famous Ebers Papyrus, an ancient document dating back to about 1700 BC, which lists about 700 medicinal plants. Back then it was thought to increase fertility and was valued as an aphrodisiac. Even the Bible attests to its powers - in the story of Rachael, Leah and Jacob, the originators of the twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis XXX, 14-16), Rachael trusted in the power of the Mandrake to rouse Jacob's interest in her, hoping that the herb would make her fertile so she could bear him a child. However, despite the Mandrake, God thought otherwise... The other mention of it is in the Song of Songs, Salomon VII 11-13, where it is mentioned as an allusion to passionate love-making (how did this piece of poetry ever end up getting into the Bible, I wonder?).

Mandrake was also known to have narcotic properties and in Antiquity was often used as an anaesthetic for surgical procedures. The ancients were well aware of the fact that this powerful little plant could be dangerous if taken in excessive quantities and that the sleep it helped to induce could become a permanent state of being. However, since in those days safe and effective anaesthetics were not so easy to come by they felt compelled to experiment with the most promising plants they knew. Mandrake, along with Poppy, Thornapple, Henbane and Belladonna produced good results if one could get the dosage just right. The preferred method of administration was to make a concoction of some or all of these plants and let the patient inhale the vapours via a sponge, which if done properly, would induce a profound sleep, so the surgeon could go about his business of cutting and sawing off limbs.

Apuleius thought it an effective remedy to counteract possession by evil spirits.

'For witlessness, that is devil sickness or demoniacal possession, take from the body of this said wort Mandrake by the weight of three pennies, administer to drink in warm water as he may find most convenient - soon he will be healed.'

It wasn't until the Middle Ages that Mandrake became popular as a magical plant, and was hailed as a miracle talisman, capable of curing just about anything. It was the root in particular that emanated this mysterious power to fascinate and entrance people - most likely due to its shape, which with a little stretch of the imagination could be seen to resemble a human body. Anthropomorphism (projecting human qualities onto non-human things or beings) was an important aspect of the medieval mindset and the Mandrake root lent itself perfectly to such projections. These magical roots came either as 'Mandrake women' or 'Mandrake men', depending on their shape, but either way they were thought to be powerful allies who could perform true miracles for their masters - anything from attracting love where previously there was none, to getting rich quick and striking unsuspected luck, to warding off misfortunes and evil spells, to becoming invincible in battle.

Such a powerful magical ally was of course not easy to come by. One couldn't just go out, find a plant and start digging - oh no! The Mandrake apparently did not take very kindly to being dug out from its haunt, in fact, it was reported to vanish before an irksome intruder could get to it. That was the best-case scenario. Far worse if it actually stayed in place and the gatherer had to face the task of digging it up, for the Mandrake would give off an ear-piercing scream as it was pulled from the earth, a scream so terrible that it would instantly kill anybody within earshot. Thus it was recommended to plug up one's ears tight and take a dog to carry out the ungrateful task. Before one could start digging one had to draw three magic circles around the plant. Once the root was reasonably free, one was to tie a string to the dogs tail and attach the other end to the root. Then, to avoid the deadly scream, one should speed away from the scene, maybe throwing a tasty piece of meat to the dog, but just out of reach so it would try to jump for it and thus uproot the Mandrake. If one were lucky one would be out of earshot by this time. The dog however, would be dead… or so the story goes.

Bartholemew thought it dangerous to dig for the root in adverse winds and also pronounced it necessary to dig for it all night till sunrise. Other stories insisted that the only Mandrake root powerful enough to perform all these magical tasks was one that was gathered from beneath a gallows at midnight. Apparently, so the story goes, the most potent Mandrake sprouted where the blood or semen of a true criminal had fertilized the earth. A great deal of fuss was made over these gruesome gathering stories and they certainly worked their trick - at least for the crooked vendors, who invented them. Given the ordeal and risked involved in gathering this magickal plant, many a gullible soul preferred to leave the ghastly task to someone else, and rather than going out at night and digging around at the witches hour for this eerie plant, which was at any rate likely to kill either oneself or one's dog or both in the process, they gladly parted with large sums of money to obtain their talisman from a vendor.

The Mandrake roots sold at the market were often 'improved' to enhance their human features by being carved into more recognizable male or female shapes, and fetching up to 30 gold coins a piece. Some of these Charm sellers were quite creative and carved fanciful little figurines from the roots. A particularly prized item was a root, which had not only been carved but made to 'sprout hair' which could be trimmed into a beard or hair-do. This was achieved by inserting millet seeds into the right places of the carved figurine and re-burying it until these sprouted, creating a kind of 'Chia-Mandrake' effect. Capitalizing on people's gullibility, the vendors, usually quite unscrupulous thieves made whatever profit they could from these magical poppets, as Turner observes:

'they are so trymmed of crafty theves to mocke the poore people withall and to rob them both of theyr wit and theyr money.'

Of course, in northern latitudes it was not always easy to find adequate supplies to satisfy the large demand. In this case the charlatans would substitute another root and sell it off for the genuine article. In Europe the preferred substitute was White Bryony, a completely unrelated species, which happens to have a vaguely similar looking root formation. In America there was even less of a chance to come across a genuine article, since Mandragora officinalis does not grow there at all. The most commonly used substitute was 'American Mandrake', or May-Apple, (Podophyllum peltatum) also a completely unrelated species.

Once in possession of the precious root, one's troubles were by no means over, as it was no easy task to satisfy a Mandrakes' whims. It had to be bathed in milk or wine on a regular basis, fed specific kinds of food (its exact dietary requirements were an endless source of debate) and wrapped in the finest red or white silks. Even if all its demands were met it was possible that it would just stop to perform its duties, in which case it was best to get rid of it as quickly as possible. The difficulty was, that it could be hard to find a buyer for a used up talisman like that. One couldn't just give it away either. If no buyer could be found the Mandrake root would have to stay, sometimes to the distinct disadvantage of the owner, for its power could, in some cases, turn against him, causing bad luck to haunt him. Needless to say, such a root was a liability rather than an asset and in the worst case scenario, (if it was impossible to get rid of), it would eventually end up getting buried with its owner and demand its share of rewards at the gate of heaven.

Parallel to this popular 'rub-the-buddha-for-money' type of magic, Mandrake also featured as an important 'Witches Herb', and constituted one of the key ingredients of the fabled Flying Ointment. Considering its chemical composition it was probably a lot more effective in this context than as a good luck charm.

It wasn't until the early 1500s that herbalists tried to dispel the myths surrounding this plant, assuring their readers that most Mandrake roots look very little like human beings, but rather more like parsnips and that nothing should be feared with regard to collecting the root, which in their own experience behaved much like any other when being pulled from the ground. Still, the belief in its magical powers persisted well into the beginning of the last century and in some rural areas people still murmur something about 'he must have his mandrake working' when someone in their midst happens upon unsuspected luck or riches.

Magickal Uses:

As a talisman or amulet; aphrodisiac, love magic, good luck in business or gambling, counter-magic, protector, warding off of evil spirits or spells, invincible against any kind of weapons, flying ointment

( Sold Out! )

Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

 ( Sold Out ) Moonlight Stone ( Rare! )

Moonlight Stone derived from volcanic rock .  
Many think rock and stone snake are same thing . The following form and beauty are quite similar . But the difference in time when dark . Moonlight stone will emit light directly and stone snake takes time to shine . 

Moonlight Stone properties are :
☆Take away waste control Toxins In The Body
☆Strengthen the Immune System / Power Body
☆Enables Water Molecule In The Body and improve internal aura
☆Increasing Oxygen Levels In Blood
☆Controlling the Hazard Rediasi
☆Provide Energy Natural Energy Or Replacing Lost
☆Improving Quality Respiratory System
☆Draw with mystical
☆Reduce Pain / Joints 
☆Beauty Care / Pigmentation
☆Improving the Quality of Health
☆Repair Cells 
☆Neutralize Body
☆Helps Control Body Temperature
☆More Comfortable And Good Night Sleep
☆Improve Body Freshness like Air And Water
☆Can Control And Habits Flu Sneeze
☆Overcoming Migraine Disorder
☆Controlling Blood Sugar & Salt
☆Addressing the mucus / phlegm
☆Increase Energy Body
☆Reduce Blood Poisoning
☆Addressing Insomia
☆Controlling Body Temperature

( Sold Out ! )


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Phra Ngang ( Thai Occult )

The wearer will be blessed with immense Charm and Attraction, stirring the hearts of those nearby to feel friendly and even love towards you. Business will increase, and whatever price you ask for will be given unquestioned when you sell your wares. Lovers and Admirers will be in abundance.

Wear the Ngang at your waist level.

Give offerings of White Thai Whisky, or similar – 

Other offerings to give;

One boiled Egg, Hmoo Non Tong, Betel and Areca nut, some cigarettes, water (one glass), one pair of red flowers (roses for example), one incense stick (lit).

On Full Moon once a month to give offering.

You must not place the Ngang on the Buddha altar, and must keep it separate and on a lower level altar if not worn below Buddha.

"When want to seek request or help just shake the Phra Ngan 3 times as there is bell inside to wake up the Phra Ngan than make a wish or ask for request."

Done by : AJ Meng Master


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! ) Luang Phor Tuad Small Pouch Bag ( Thai Occult )

The Early Years of Luang Por Tuad

Luang Phor (respected father, in Thai) Tuad was born in Songkhla province in Southern Thailand in 2125 BE (1582 CE). Luang Phor's parents were poor farmers of Chinese descent. They called their son Puu – this means 'crab' in Thai. Both of his parents were devout Buddhists, and they were likely delighted when their son began to express an interest in spirituality at an early age.

Puu was special, occurred when he was just 6 months old. His parents were working in the rice fields, and they left their baby lying on a blanket, under the shade of a tree. At noon his mother returned to find her son had a large reticulated python curled around him. At first she panicked, but then she noticed that her baby did not seem to be in any discomfort. She then remembered a story from her childhood of how the gods can sometimes come to Earth in the form of a snake. Instead of trying to chase the snake away, which would have been too dangerous anyway, she found some flowers and put them in front of the reptile. The snake responded by moving away from Puu, but before leaving, he spit out a crystal ball that the mother then kept.

For the legend involving the crystal ball that had been left behind for Puu’s family by the snake. A rich man heard the story of how they had obtained this precious item, and he became envious. He forced the mother into selling it to him. The rich man initially felt delighted with his purchase, but then one by one his family became ill. He sought help from a spirit doctor who told him that the crystal ball would bring bad luck to anyone except Puu. The rich man knew he had no choice but to return it.

Ordaining as a Monk

Puu’s family ensured that he received substantial religious training as he grew up. From age 5, he began to attend lessons at his local temple. The monks there were amazed at how quickly and deeply he could absorb his lessons. Within a couple of years he eventually mastered all teachings that the local monks could offer him, and he started visiting temples far away from his home in order to receive additional training. It came as no real surprise that when he turned 12 years of age, he ordained as a monk. He spent his early years as a monk living at Wat Pakok in Songkhla province.

Even though traveling around Thailand in those days was difficult, it was common for monks to visit temples in other parts of the country. One of the most famous stories about Luang Phor Tuad involves a trip that he decided to make to Ayuthaya – this was then the capital of Thailand. He needed to make the first part of this trip by boat. His ship was sailing up the coast in the Gulf of Thailand when they got caught in a terrible storm. The weather became so severe that the crew began to panic. The storm lasted for days and they ended up getting lost at sea with no fresh water to drink. For some reason they began to suspect that the cause of their misfortune was Luang Phor Tuad. They talked about throwing him overboard until the monk performed two miracles – he caused the sea to become calm and he turned the seawater around the boat into fresh drinking water. All thoughts of throwing him overboard were forgotten after this.

Ayuthaya was the center of Thai Buddhism back in those days, and Luang Phor Tuad had high hopes of what he could learn there. He arrived at one of the large monasteries in the city but was turned away because he looked so disheveled. Luang Phor was forced to search Ayuthaya for a temple that was willing to admit him, but eventually he found an old rundown monastery that offered him a place to stay.

Legend has it that at this time there was a sense of rivalry between Thai and Sri Lankan Buddhists. The King of Sri Lanka offered to give Thailand's leaders boats full of gold if they were able to solve a certain Buddhist puzzle. All the senior monks in Ayuthaya failed in this task, but eventually it was solved by Luang Phor Tuad – this ensured his fame as a monk. 

Final Years of Luang Phor Tuad

Luang Phor Tuad returned back to Songkhla as a famous monk – he also had His Majesty The King's blessing to restore Pha Khoh temple which had fallen into ruin. He eventually became the abbot of Wat Changhai in Pattani. Luang Phor became renowned for his psychic powers, and many miracles are attributed to him. He died when he was 120 years of age.

Luang Phor Tuad Amulets

Even after Luang Phor Tuad died, he continued to help his followers. Monks staying at Wat Changhai and elsewhere began to experience intense dreams where they would meet this spiritual teacher in other realms. They felt compelled to make amulets of him, and they found that these could bring good fortune and protection to the wearer.

Luang Phor Tuad continues to be one of the most revered monks in Thailand. Any visitor to Thailand is sure to come across pictures, posters, drawings, and statues of him – he is usually depicted as an old man seated in meditation and hunched over - with brooding shoulders. His amulets frequently depict him in black, he was very dark, and the black also signifies an aura of mystery surrounding him. In Phang Nga on the road to Phuket, there is a very large statue of Luang Phor Tuad, Krabi has one, Ubon has one.

Amulets of Luang Phor Tuad are among the most popular in Thailand. They are also desirable objects for people in Malaysia and other parts of the world. We sell a lot of amulets with his image, we find them at the Buddhist temples near our home in Southern Thailand. You can hear many Thai stories from people who feel certain that wearing a Luang Phor Tuad amulet has positively impacted their life. These days there are many versions of this amulet, and those that have a history of brining good luck are the most expensive to buy.

( Sold Out! ) $50

Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Thai Sai Sin Necklace ( Thai Occult )

Sacred Sai Sin necklace that has been blessed and empowered. This Blessed and empowered Sai Sin necklace is full of great spiritual power. The reason for the release of these sacred blessed items, is that the world is now a dark and dangerous place. These items have a huge amount of power inside and when you hold them you will see and feel a sacred power.


A Sai Sin necklace "Auspicious thread" is simply a length of cord that has been appropriately blessed by a Buddhist Monk. The placing of the Sai Sin necklace around your neck assures you:
☆Good health 
☆Long Life 
☆Great Luck 
☆Guard You From Danger 
☆Dispel evil
☆Negative Bad and Dangerous energy
☆Protect You From Disease


GOOD FORTUNE: comes about when the energies of your body and mind This is not just about the creation of wealth: good fortune is the experience when you know deep inside you that everything is right with the world. It is when you and the divine enjoy each others company. Good fortune is a natural state of mind that is part of who you are. It is inside you, just wanting to be released. Start by asking for it. Be humble and receive. If you seek good fortune unskillfully - in other words, selfishly, you will create obstructions. Good fortune never ever comes in a way that you expect it, so open your heart for a happy surprise. You keep your good fortune by sharing it and learning from it, not by showing it off. Use your good fortune by showing other people how to access it, based on your own experience.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast;

A wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

Blessed by : Luang Poh Naen  Kampiro
Temple : Wat Samnaksong BanKaset , Province RoiEt

Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Thai Sai Sin Bracelets ( Thai Occult )

String Bracelets are common to Thailand often known to travellers and tourists from monk blessings during temple ceremonies. The real name in Thai is ‘Sai Sin’ Bracelet. A shortened length of Sacred Thread which has been blessed by monks for luck and fortune. Not wholly unique to Thailand you will find similar rituals and string bracelets throughout South -east Asia in both Buddhism and Hinduism. For Luck In Travels, for Luck in Business and for Luck In Old Age (respectively).

Money and Wealth

With some Sai Sin bracelets money notes (100 Bahts) are placed beneath. The money symbolises future wealth and prosperity. 

Blessed by Luang Poh Naen Kampiro
Temple:Wat Samnaksong BanKaset , Province RoiEt


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Vulva Thai Amulet ( Thai Occult )

The Vulva Thai Amulet is a Dark Arts Occult Charm that does not require wearing above the waist, and can be worn close to the Private Parts, for increased effectiveness. It is, despite common belief, not only for Ladies to use, but can also be used by Men, just as well. The Vulva Thai Amulet uses the most ancient and primitive method of attraction and enchantment, that of mother nature.

You can ask for most wishes to attract and convince your intended lover, and should not find yourself doing without for any long periods of time with The Vulva Thai Amulet. The Vulva Thai Amulet is of course also the female symbolic counterpart of the male Phallic Lingam, which represent Shiva (Lingam) and Kali/Parvati (Yoni), The Yoni as an animist occult charm however, has existed outside of Hinduism and Buddhism too, as a Magical Charm of Purely Animist Nature.

This amulet can thus be used and [rayed to in different ways depending on which meanings you wish to attribute to the amulet, according to what your spirit tells you fits with your own sense of Faith and Inspiration. For it is your own Faith and Inspiration, which shall play a large part in the power of The Vulva Thai Amulet being able to assist in making the aura of you (and all of us) emanate, to have the right auric blend of colour, mood and mix of coolness to both sooth and excite in the correct proportions, in order to succeed in inciting lust and attraction, but also to in still faith and confidence in your genuine and non-abusive intentions towards the person being charmed.

This will increase the willingness of the subject and preparedness to take the leap and risk opening the tender hear we all have inside, but which most of us have to hide away protected, for fear of the loss of heart which comes when one has been decieved in love and mutual trust, that is expected in a true loving relationship.

Used for : 
☆Dominion of the Hear
☆Kama Sutra Magic.

From the Monk Luang Poh Pina
Temple :  Wat Sanamlao , Saraburi Province


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Natural Snake Scale ( Watch video ) ( Super Rare!! )

Natural Snake Scale

Once again I offer an object so supernatural and mysterious I will share with others .Although visibly and with a word that is quite awesome ( snake scales ). The scales derived from the supernatural ritual of results and specific ways. This snake scales have a relatively strong aura .It has also been further strengthened with Chanting.

It's purpose is for :
Business trader
General Interpersonal Relationship
Can be used as an affectionate oil when put the natural scale in
Can be used as attracting money
Withdrawal sustenance various angles
Recomended for singer as well

The Snake Scale is able to move by itself while put on your palm.

$250 Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Iron Brass Pot / Cupu

Iron Brass Pot made for All Pearl including Centipede Pearl etc.. How do you get an objects so rare made of iron, brass , copper , golden but wide . A magnet will stick to it and respond. Aura of Centipede Pearl or any Pearl stored in this will increase it Aura and power .

How to use:
Try to keep your Pearl inside for 44 days , then test the aura.


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! ) Natural Bird Nest ( Super Rare !!! )

Natural Bird Nest are believed to contain magical powers .These Nest have mystical luck for the media to keep the harmony of romance. Natural Bird Nest is usually found only a dreadful aka haunted forest , to take to be able to conquer the magical place that is haunted .The speciality of this Natural Bird Nest , do not want to remarry if their spouse dies.He/she is willingly chose to die together. The next step is to invite the spirit of the bird to help with their partner. In this way , hundreds of quarrelling couples who have successfully appeased , as well as a difficult partner can immediately obtain the desired partner .

( Sold Out )


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Spiritual and Animism Knowledge

Documentary Link -

Not to be confused with Spiritualism.

Traditionally spirituality has been defined as a process of personal transformation in accordance with religious ideals. Since the 19th century spirituality is often separated from religion, and has become more oriented on subjective experience and psychological growth. It may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity or blissful experience, but without a single, widely-agreed definition.

Animism (from Latin animus, -i "soul, life") is the worldview that non-human entities (animals, plants, and inanimate objects or phenomena) possess a spiritual essence.

Animism is used in the anthropology of religion as a term for the belief system of some indigenous tribal peoples, especially prior to the development of organized religion.  Although each culture has its own different mythologies and rituals, "animism" is said to describe the most common, foundational thread of indigenous peoples' "spiritual" or "supernatural" perspectives. The animistic perspective is so fundamental, mundane, everyday and taken-for-granted that most animistic indigenous people do not even have a word in their languages that corresponds to "animism" (or even "religion"); the term is an anthropological construct rather than one designated by the people themselves.

Largely due to such ethnolinguistic and cultural discrepancies, opinion has differed on whether animism refers to a broad religious belief or to a full-fledged religion in its own right. The currently accepted definition of animism was only developed in the late 19th century by Sir Edward Tylor, who created it as "one of anthropology's earliest concepts, if not the first".

Animism encompasses the belief that there is no separation between the spiritual and physical (or material) world, and souls orspirits exist, not only in humans, but also in some other animals, plants, rocks, geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural environment, including thunder, wind, and shadows. Animism thus rejects Cartesian dualism. Animism may further attribute souls to abstract concepts such as words, true names, or metaphors inmythology. Examples of animism can be found in forms of Shinto, Serer, Hinduism,Buddhism, Scientology, Jainism, Paganism, and Neopaganism. Some members of the non-tribal world also consider themselves animists (such as author Daniel Quinn, sculptor Lawson Oyekan, and manyNeopagans).

Friday, 14 November 2014



( Endeavor to avoid magic and selling trade )

Meet Bamboo has a physical straight away and it is dense .More nourishment and secrets but only a few will know its usefulness .Only the owner knows the secret and feel the benefits.To Attract Possible In The Body And Small Wounds .Some People Use It For Penepis resistance , traction , Pelaris , Sweeteners And Tanks .INDICATIONS THAT CAN BE SHARED BETWEEN :

☆Interesting work and minor injuries
☆withdrawal of sustenance
☆be in demand
☆emergency tank
☆Overcome various obstacles
☆Subjugator black magic
☆Invalidate santau
☆Fear by ghosts
☆Safety of crash
☆Personal firewall
☆Kept away from the treacherous fellow humans

Just display it On Home, Business Premises , Vehicle Or Made Necklace Neck And Stone Ring .


The easiest is boiled bamboo. If false , uprooted of 1 will come out and show small spikes or nail appeared.


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! )Fossil Dinosaur T-Rex Tyrannosaurus Tooth ( Watch Video ) ( Exclusive and Super Rare Item !!!)

This a super rare King of All Fossil. Withness this video how this living fossil absorb oil or water faster than any object like it feed on it.

Tyrannosaurus (/tɨˌrænəˈsɔrəs/ or/taɪˌrænəˈsɔrəs/ ("tyrant lizard," from the Ancient Greek tyrannos (τύραννος), "tyrant", and sauros (σαῦρος), "lizard"[1]) is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur. The species Tyrannosaurus rex (rex meaning "king" in Latin), commonly abbreviated to T.rex, is a fixture in popular culture. Tyrannosaurus lived throughout what is now western North America, which then was an island continent named Laramidia. Tyrannosaurus had a much wider range than other tyrannosaurids. Fossils are found in a variety of rock formations dating to the Maastrichtian age of the upper Cretaceous Period, 67 to 66 million years ago.[2] It was among the last non-aviandinosaurs to exist before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.

Like other tyrannosaurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to its large and powerful hind limbs, Tyrannosaurus fore limbs were short but unusually powerful for their size and had two clawed digits. Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded Tyrannosaurus rex in size, it was the largest known tyrannosaurid and one of the largest known land predators. In fact, the most complete specimen measures up to 12.3 m (40 ft) in length,[3] up to 4 metres (13 ft) tall at the hips,[4] and up to 6.8 metric tons (7.5 short tons) in weight.[5] By far the largest carnivore in its environment, Tyrannosaurus rex may have been an apex predator, preying upon had rosaurs, ceratopsians, and possibly sauropods,[6] although some experts have suggested the dinosaur was primarily ascavenger. The debate about whether Tyrannosaurus was an apex predator or scavenger was among the longest ongoing feud in paleontology; however, most scientists now agree that Tyrannosaurus rex was an opportunistic carnivore, acting as both a predator and a scavenger.[7] It is estimated to be capable of exerting one of the largest bite forces among all terrestrial animals.[8][9]

More than 50 specimens of Tyrannosaurus rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Soft tissue andproteins have been reported in at least one of these specimens. The abundance of fossil material has allowed significant research into many aspects of its biology, including its life history and biomechanics. The feeding habits, physiology and potential speed of Tyrannosaurus rex are a few subjects of debate. Its taxonomy is also controversial, as some scientists consider Tarbosaurus bataar from Asia to be a second species of the Tyrannosaurus and others maintaining the Tarbosaurus is a separate genus of dinosaur. Several other genera of North American tyrannosaurids have also been synonymized with Tyrannosaurus.


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! )Quails Poniba oil ( 1 needle ) ( 2 colours ) ( Rare! )

Quails Poniba oil is a useful oil for various rituals performed in the case of the supernatural .This oil is widely used by various groups that once Mumpuni in the spiritual world and has been quality assured .This oil is very useful for a wide range of activities available and have many types , too.These things are very much hunted for their quality and have proven results.Quails Poniba oil has many different levels .Actually there is no difference in functionality , just different levels of strength possessed by these quails poniba oil .And to know how great this oil you can see from the number of needles found in this oil poniba quails .This oil is commonly used to bind a connection with supernatural beings for various specific purposes .And usually used for various purposes such as pelarisan merchandise , to pesugihan , or for a variety of purposes and the desire of the owners themselves.This oil is known for its functions and benefits.That's why oil is so much hunted and popular for many smart people .This oil is very versatile and has a lot more benefits compared to other oils such as this .This oil is used by many people to pledge that want more functionality from one thing only.This oil is really powerful because it can be used as anything and liked by all the jinn .This oil is very useful when placed wherever you want because nutritional security.According to info from the community also uses the core of the private pngalaman poniba Oil quails as media ( as attachment ) for treatment or ritual : 
• Assist in Occult Ritual 
• Assist in the Ritual Pull Inheritance 
• Helping to pave the way fortune 
• Help facilitate the efforts you have 
• Memmbantu that others are interested in your merchandise • Helps you to avoid ari gunsmith and those who do evil 
• Helps ward off an all-purpose use and a variety of black magic 
• Restoring Attack Enemy yangh been using enchant you 
• avert the negative conditioning and menetralkannya 
Based on the sharing of research and experiments we found, oil has FUNCTIONS ilain , namely: 
• Strengthen emission aura you have 
• It helps your liver menentramkan 
• It helps to open your inner eye 
• Gain knowledge in your energy 
• Tools to anoint your inheritance thing thing 
• Can be used to add nutrients fluffy bath 
• When implanted to mmbantu popularize your merchandise 
• To strengthen the function of the spirit that is 
• To handle the crazy • To treat liver yangh anxiety, confusion , and depression 
• To be used as a mercy or to strengthen the pellet 
• Can your boss make you groove 
• Increase energy energy 
• And so on 
Other functions that are based on other myths can be used for the jinn are : 
• You can ask for help from the jinn to provide oil to them ( not recommended) 
• As tumbal and his pusher in a haunted 
• Making spirits at home and are interested in any of these oils 
• jin Pleasant Pets You 
• Calling the jinn or calling energy is pleased to oil 
• When planted in the place occupied jin , chances are you will be helped by the spirits happy 


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! )

( Sold Out! ) Quails Poniba oil ( 1 needle )

Quails Poniba oil is a useful oil for various rituals performed in the case of the supernatural .This oil is widely used by various groups that once Mumpuni in the spiritual world and has been quality assured .This oil is very useful for a wide range of activities available and have many types , too.These things are very much hunted for their quality and have proven results.Quails Poniba oil has many different levels .Actually there is no difference in functionality , just different levels of strength possessed by these quails poniba oil .And to know how great this oil you can see from the number of needles found in this oil poniba quails .This oil is commonly used to bind a connection with supernatural beings for various specific purposes .And usually used for various purposes such as pelarisan merchandise , to pesugihan , or for a variety of purposes and the desire of the owners themselves.This oil is known for its functions and benefits.That's why oil is so much hunted and popular for many smart people .This oil is very versatile and has a lot more benefits compared to other oils such as this .This oil is used by many people to pledge that want more functionality from one thing only.This oil is really powerful because it can be used as anything and liked by all the jinn .This oil is very useful when placed wherever you want because nutritional security.According to info from the community also uses the core of the private pngalaman poniba Oil quails as media ( as attachment ) for treatment or ritual : 
• Assist in Occult Ritual 
• Assist in the Ritual Pull Inheritance 
• Helping to pave the way fortune 
• Help facilitate the efforts you have 
• Memmbantu that others are interested in your merchandise • Helps you to avoid ari gunsmith and those who do evil 
• Helps ward off an all-purpose use and a variety of black magic 
• Restoring Attack Enemy yangh been using enchant you 
• avert the negative conditioning and menetralkannya 
Based on the sharing of research and experiments we found, oil has FUNCTIONS ilain , namely: 
• Strengthen emission aura you have 
• It helps your liver menentramkan 
• It helps to open your inner eye 
• Gain knowledge in your energy 
• Tools to anoint your inheritance thing thing 
• Can be used to add nutrients fluffy bath 
• When implanted to mmbantu popularize your merchandise 
• To strengthen the function of the spirit that is 
• To handle the crazy • To treat liver yangh anxiety, confusion , and depression 
• To be used as a mercy or to strengthen the pellet 
• Can your boss make you groove 
• Increase energy energy 
• And so on 
Other functions that are based on other myths can be used for the jinn are : 
• You can ask for help from the jinn to provide oil to them ( not recommended) 
• As tumbal and his pusher in a haunted 
• Making spirits at home and are interested in any of these oils 
• jin Pleasant Pets You 
• Calling the jinn or calling energy is pleased to oil 
• When planted in the place occupied jin , chances are you will be helped by the spirits happy 


Please message or whatssap me if interested at : 81666052

( Sold Out! )

All Stone Knowledge


Agate / carnelian / Akik
Carnelian can help for matters relating to the personality physically and emotionally.Legend says that users will be protected from the dangers of carnelian and raise the wearer with courage .Agate is believed to cure insomnia ( difficulty sleeping badly ) , provides a beautiful dream and ashbab for the balance of the body .The types of agate with its ability to :

Moss agate : can improve the relationship with the environment .Green moss helps to eliminate toxins in the blood and balance the emotional energy .Red moss helps purify the blood and increase physical stamina .

Tree agate : help in introspection with greater clarity, see the world through a wider viewing angle and reduce fever and rate racun Akik Line / Tape : help in pulling power , overcoming do not have enough strength or keberanian

Akik Lace / Interwoven: overcoming decisions Blue lace agate helps balance body fluids and give peace of emotion .

Agate resemble feathers : strengthens blood vessels and overcoming fear for no apparent reason .Useful to reduce fear in the hunt or find

 arah Akik spots : extra protection against traveler / adventurer , one of the petualang 

Akik Eye stone (mostly agate Iran / Yemen / Solomon ) : protect from damage to the body and mind eliminating negative

Akik Dendrite : balancing rates Is the cornerstone of the adventurers to provide security and kekuatan

Akik India ( reliable agate Solomon ) : provides physical strength , overcome feelings of insecurity / not prosper and eliminate physical weakness and emosional

Akik Botswana : overcoming the uncertainty of direction and personal goals


Alexandrite can help people to focus on yourself , boost your confidence and increase your ability to feel happiness .In Russia , Alexandrite is believed to be the bearer of good omen .Alexandrite can also stimulate the sexual power and overcome the feeling of not enough love in one's life .Amethyst
Used to enhance psychic / spiritual and intuitive person vigilance .Also used to relieve headaches.Legend has it , use the Amethyst or drinking from a cup made ​​of it , will prevent poisoning .


Aquamarine is often used for a good hope in love and compassion go .It is said to help relieve depression and sadness .It also is believed to revive the love for couples who have been married a long time and help get new friends .According to legend , Aquamarine wear as earrings / earrings will bring love and good influence .Other uses that help the eye / vision, reducing the retention of body fluids and provide security in transit through the ocean .


Its main purpose is to stimulate the flow of healing energy for all , combating physical trauma , eliminating restrictions emotions and stimulate blood circulation .Bloodstone is believed to stop the bleeding just by mere touch .In addition to its function for traditional medication , Bloodstone is also used to broaden one's perspective on the world.


Carnelian used to clear the mind ( not being able to see the reality ) .Can balance the process of thinking and creativity and increase the level / energy levels .Circa 1700's , Carnelian is said to give strength and protection , to bring luck and comfort .In the early 1800s , Carnelian considered able to help people who need the courage to speak .


Chrysoprase is often used for spiritual protection and overcome mental fatigue / emotional .Often referred to as the Stone of Victory ( " Victory Stone " ) .In 1800 , Chrysoprase is said to help thieves to be lost from sight ( invisible) .Other properties that strengthen the heart and eyes , helps concentration in the work , prevent nightmares, cast out demons and eliminate the hassle of mind .These stones are well used by many people who work with the brain ( author , songwriter ) .

Citrine ( Cempaka )

Citrine is said to help people to connect with the ghost / spirit , Helps assimilation of food, helping people who are not proficient in communicating openly and to develop mental tranquility .

Diamond / (Berlian)

Diamond can improve the quality of self and the ability to see things more clearly both positive and negative, direct and honest .Also help overcome the insecurity in the material .Diamond quality is getting better , the better the power accessories .Is a symbol of courage is not invincible .Hindus believe that Diamond poor quality or containing patches , bring bad luck until he can even revoke / remove Batara Indra from the highest place in heaven .At present most quality diamonds with low (eg bad colour ) , still used for industrial purposes .

Emerald / (Zamrud)

Emerald is used for physical and emotional healing that address the disease in the absence of nervous and mental perception or clarity .In Persia and surrounding said that " Anyone who has this charm shall enjoy the special protection of God " .According to legend, the Emerald serves to strengthen the memory of the owner , speed of mind and creativity and help to predict the future .Garnet
Thyroid gland disorders in balance , overcoming the lack of tolerance toward others , reducing the hardness of heart and a feeling of not having enough popularity .

Gold stone

Gold stone can provide extra protection against traveller / adventurer .Is one of the adventurers stones .


Jade is said to help a person to relax and wise .Known as the stone with excellent balance , helps a person to coordinate mind and action and overcome the lack impractical way of thinking .Jade is the essence of love , appreciated as a special stone .Believed that some secret virtue will absorb into the body .Legend has it that Spanish explorers to Central America using the talisman of Jade to prevent and cure hip and kidney .Other uses for health is improving the healing of vital organs .Jade Green can relieve indigestion , helps the liver function and reduce damage to the eye .Red Jade femininity help combat disease , especially in organs content

Jasper / (Fatamorgana)

Jasper can expel spirits / demons and protect against snake and spider bites .For health , Jasper helps the healing process of gastric , balancing the endocrine glands .In the 4th century , Jasper is known as the great bringer of rain .Types of Jasper and help that can be given :

1 .Leopard skin Jasper is said to give people what they need.

2 .Poppy Jasper helps give happiness in life .

3 .Opalite Jasper can help to sleep soundly.

4 .Jasper Chocolate female hormonal function and cope with insecurity .

5 .Green Jasper helps small bowel function , prevent constipation , reduce spasms in the intestines and fight wounds in the stomach , but it also reduces Stress / severe depression and improve mental behavior in a positive way .

6 .Red Jasper balance the work of the stomach and pancreas , increase energy and to provide protection against external pressures

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis helps one to better understand ourselves and broaden perspectives.Also helping the inability to memerima leadership of others .Good for determining the choice between conscience and reason, give wisdom and honesty .According to legend , the layer protects the wearer from evil forces .A remedy for melancholy and fever and strengthen the body during the experience of spiritual awareness .

Moonstone (Batu Rembulan)
Moonstone is said to balance the yin / yang , set the Pituitary gland function , clarify and enhance the senses .Also help people who are less sensitive / responsive to self and others ( reducing selfishness ) .In India , moonstone stone valued as sacred / sacred.Trust will bring a better future .Legend says that Moonstone is a very precious gift for lovers as it would arouse passion and tenderness usually called the stone that create love and affection .

Onyx and Sardonyx can help coordinate the body , providing protection from bad influences surrounding environment and can control myself .Black Onyx is used to change a bad habit .Mexican Onyx ( white and brown chalcedony ) helps to sleep soundly .Sard is protective against spells or witchcraft.Can also sharpens the sense of humor of the wearer .


Opal is used to increase the sense of sanity less stable , helping a person has the capacity to share love and to enhance psychic stability .The Arabs believed that opals fell from heaven as much lightning , of Opal had a fiery color .Opal bygone era is regarded as a symbol of honesty and confidence.Opal is very powerful in ritual magic .Because quality Opal contains all the colors of another birth , can be used or filled with energy and strength from the combination of all birthstones , also used to replace another birth mentioned in spells , rituals or other purposes of magic .Often associated with cyberspace and astral projection , also used to recall past lives ( each color represents a life from the past ) .Opal has the ability to heal, especially to increase mental capacities such as creative imagination, the power of the mind that has not been used so far.In terms of health Opal is believed to assist in the assimilation of protein .Fire Opal is often used in fundraising activities for the needy , usually worn as a crown with a golden necklace surrounded by 10-12 Diamond , is believed to have the power to collect money fantastic .Black Opal is the tool of choice magician / illusionist , used to improve the reception of the magic / sorcery them and also highlighting their strengths.Black opals worn near the heart as a necklace made of gold said to be cast Satan , protect people from the eyes of Satan , protect travelers on their way to a distant place.Opal has also been used as a magic potion to heal the body , drive out bad dreams and as a tool for increasing energy .White Opal if used at night when the full moon ritual , said bringing the power of the Goddess of the Moon for the achievement of hope for those who practice it .Opal is highly appreciated in the Middle Ages , referred to as " ophthalmios " or " Stone Eyes , " by virtue of the widespread belief that Opal is useful for sensory vision and cure eye diseases .Blonde woman wearing a necklace Opal to protect from the loss of their hair color .Black Opal appreciated as a good luck stone .

Pearl (Mutiara)

Pearl helps one to better know yourself and improve respect for him .Pearl makes the wearer can feel the love of the people who give these pearls and enhance femininity Other uses which helps the formation of antibodies and fight infection and help the inability of a person in educating others .

Peridot ( Zabarjad )

Peridot is used to help make someone 's dream can become a reality.Legend has it that pirates love Peridot because it protects the power of darkness / demons .If Peridot tied with gold (the gold ) , will protect the wearer from bad intentions of humans at night.For health , Peridot help function of experiencing emotional tension / stress.


Quartz is used for balance , increase energy , overcoming negative thoughts , eliminate bad habits and a variety of healing .Quartz also overcome feelings of rejection of unwanted or received one . 
Quartz transparent colorless crystals formed as a ball , has been used by forecasters since the Middle Ages to see and predict the future . 
Types of Quartz and help you can receive is :
Druzy Quartz : Helping someone who does not have the skills to understand the question ( do not have a deep understanding ) Rutilated Quartz : Reduce the negative way of thinking alone .Smokey Quartz / Quartz Chocolate: Providing stability emosionalWhite Quartz / Quartz White : Improving self-esteem .Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is used to balance emotions for someone , to open hearts and apology / forgiveness .Rose Quartz is also believed to maintain youthful skin and overcome a severe inferiority complex

Ruby (Delima)

Ruby is said to open one's heart to love , overcoming fear to be ugly and unloved and eliminate the lack of luck .Ruby also used for protection of sensitive behaviors and avoid deviant behavior (to prevent the occurrence of schizophrenia) .According to ancient legend , Ruby was able to reconcile / reconciling lovers.

Sapphire (Nilam)

Sapphire can clear the mind , increase peace , happiness and increase the motivation and purpose in life orientation .Kings of yore impose Sapphire around their necks as a powerful defense against the dangers of (supposedly reinforcements ) .This stone would protect the wearer from feeling Shirk and make them feel closer to God .Stone believed to help someone who feels no chance to goal / end better .For health Sapphire can raise levels of potassium , magnesium , calcium and protect mental depression .


Topaz is used to add strength, prevent kidney and bladder .Ancient , carved in stone eagles Topaz is used to express the goodwill of a king , queen and tycoons . 
The Greeks believed Topaz gives strength. 
Topaz also helps overcome the feeling of anger ( emotion ) and protect against outside pressure .


Tourmaline is used to prevent the occurrence of lymphatic tissue disease and anemia .Also used to increase the success and achievements.Pink Tourmaline for protection and improve balance in women , while Tourmaline Hijaumeningkatkan balance in men.According to legend , the user will be warned of the dangers and lack of luck.

Turquoise ( Firuz )

Turquoise assist people in starting a new business .Can warn the wearer of danger / disease that will attack with its color changes .In the 13th century Turquoise is said to protect the wearer from falling , especially from horses.Also used for body relaxation , overcome anxiety / panic , mental disorder, calm emotions.The Indians believed that if turquoise taped bows, arrows fired will surely miss.Also believed to bring happiness and good luck.


Like Crystal , Zircon is used for a variety of healing .Zircon helps one to make peace with himself and overcome negative feelings or feelings of frustration and increase positive behaviors .Also make the wearer more thoughtful , respectable and wealthy .Loss of light / glow of a Zircon is said to warn of the dangers of their owners.